Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it is true. Heaven has its own security checks and scanners for everyone who wants to pass through its doors.
Heaven’s Heart scanner.
The first celestial machine you must pass through before the gateway to Heaven is opened to you is the heart scanner. This heavenly machine checks if you have the light of Jesus Christ in your heart.
If this light is absent, the door to heaven will remain firmly closed. You will be immediately expelled to Earth.
Heaven’s full body scanner.
After the heart scanner, you will move on to the sky full body scanner. This heavenly machine will check anything in your body that is not allowed in heaven.
On our airport ground scanners, check for explosives, munitions, flammable liquids and solids, compressed gases, infectious substances, poisons, radioactive materials and other prohibited items. Heaven has its own list of prohibited items.
Items prohibited in Heaven.
Heaven has its own list of prohibited items and its scanners will emit very loud alarms if any of the following sins I’m about to mention are detected in your body. Let’s start with the specific items mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
You will be denied entry to Heaven if your body is found to contain the following prohibited items mentioned in the Book of Revelation 21:8:
Cowardice, fear, anger, murder, sexual immorality (including pornography), witchcraft, sorcery, lies, idolatry and magical arts.
Next, these scanners will check for the following.
Unforgiveness, Hatred, Theft, Coveting, Wickedness, Deceit, Sensuality, Envy, Slander, and Pride.
You will be denied entry into Heaven if its scanners find any of those items in your body.
Other items prohibited in Heaven.
You will have to read the Bible carefully yourself to see all the other forbidden items in Heaven. For example, I have not mentioned the following:
Abortion, false accusations, astrology, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, causing children to fall into sin, refusing to help the needy, disobedience to the ten commandments of God and the refusal to do the will of God.
Heaven’s scanners for sins.