Dear reader, if your first name is John, then there is a lot of work for you to do in God’s Kingdom. God gave you that name because it has a lot of meaning within the Kingdom of Heaven.
The name John means “God has been gracious to us“. Our Father in Heaven was indeed gracious to your parents and family.
You are great in God’s sight.
The name John makes you great in the sight of God (see Luke 1:15). That name will make you accomplish big things in God’s Kingdom.
You are a blessing to your parents.
If you have been a burden to your parents, start repenting now before God, asking our Father in Heaven to forgive you for that sin.
After your repentance, start being a joy and delight to to your Mom, Dad and the rest of your family as indicated in Luke 1:15.
Born to bring repentance.
If you obey the commission assigned to your name, many people will turn from their wicked ways, and turn to God. They will rejoice because of the deliverance they will get from your spoken words as indicated in Luke 1:16
Born to be a light.
The name John assigns you to be a light within the darkness of this world. You are supposed to bring light wherever you go.
Do not defile your body.
God attached holiness to the name John. Do not defile your body with alcoholic drinks and sexual immorality as indicated in Luke 1:15. The name John demands that your body should be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Prepare people for the return of Jesus Christ.
You are to go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
An enemy of the Devil.
Because God was gracious to your parents, Satan is supposed to be your number one enemy. Your best friends are supposed to be God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Read the written word of God regularly.
As indicated in Luke 3:3-7, you are supposed to regularly read the written word of God in the Bible. You have to relate your life, and the lives of others, to specific prophecies indicated in the Bible.
Pass on this message to all the Johns you know.
After reading this message, please pass it on to all the Johns you know. Do not worry about their denominations. Tell them their name John makes them special in God’s sight.
Is your name John?
Makko Musagara