Dear reader, the story of God’s servant Job would have been different if he had used two unusual weapons that you are about to see in this article. Job lacked these two unusual weapons to stop Satan.
Job’s losses.
Let us first look at Job’s losses and suffering. Job lost seven sons and three daughters. Then he lost 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 donkeys, and many of his servants also died. After all this loss, Satan afflicted Job with painful sores all over his body.
Job did not have the weapon of knowledge.
Like many Christians today, Job did not know that Satan was the cause of all his problems. Job thought it was God punishing him, which was not true.
Second, like most Christians today, Job never imagined that Satan could appear before God in heaven to accuse him. Like Job, most Christians today believe that Satan cannot enter God’s presence in heaven and speak to our Heavenly Father. Yet this truth is clearly demonstrated in Job 1:6 and Job 2:1.
Third, Job never thought that our loving Heavenly Father would give Satan permission to come and destroy Job’s wealth.
Satan continues to enter God’s heavenly presence.
In fact, the Lord has charged me to inform all Christians that what happened in the book of Job is still happening today. This is what our Heavenly Father asked me to tell you:
Tell my people that day and night Satan comes into my presence to accuse Christians. Since the devil always has genuine reasons based on Scripture, I usually permit him to go and tempt these Christians. Satan will continue making these accusations until Revelation 12:10 when I will deny him access to heaven.
Another thing Job didn’t know.
Furthermore, there is something else very important that Job did not know. He never knew that he always needed to pray a specific prayer for God to protect him from Satan’s accusations.
This is the weapon Jesus gave us against Satan.
One day, Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. Jesus gave them a prayer that included a very powerful weapon against Satan. He asked them to always pray to Heavenly Father like this:
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation.
Luke 11:4

The meaning of this prayer.
When you ask Heavenly Father not to lead you into temptation, you are actually saying:
Father, don’t give Satan permission to come and tempt me.
As a matter of fact, we must pray like this every day so that Satan does not come into our lives to tempt us. If Job had prayed like this every day, God would not have given Satan permission to go and destroy Job’s possessions.
Click HERE to read the full message God gave me so that you see how you can stop Satan using the Lord’s Prayer.