Makko Musagara
Dear reader, our Heavenly Father is always waking up people on earth to pray or read the Bible, but many do not realize it.
In the article I show you seven signs that show that God is the one who woke you up.
Wake up at the same time of night.
If you keep waking up at the same time of night, then you should be sure that God is the one who wakes you up. Our heavenly Father wants you to always get up and pray at this specific time of the night.
When God began to use me I realized that he always woke me up in the middle of the night. At first I wondered why he kept waking me up at this specific time. I later confirmed that God always wanted me to pray at midnight.
Wake up at the top of the hour.
If you wake up at the top of the hour, this may be a sign that you did not wake up voluntarily. It was the angel of God who woke you up to pray or read the Bible.
Waking up after an unusual dream.
If you wake up immediately after an unusual dream, know that it was Heavenly Father who woke you up.
God wants you to pray or take action about this dream He has shown you.
If you wake up and can’t get back to sleep
When you wake up and fail to sleep again, it may be a sign that God has woken you up to pray or read the written word in the Bible.
Woken up by an unusual sound.
If you are awakened by an unusual sound, it may be that it was God’s angel who woke you up for one reason or another.
I remember one night God woke me up but I quickly went back to sleep without praying. A few minutes later, a truck passing by my house honked so loudly that I was suddenly awakened.
I got out of bed and prayed as God intended.
Awakened by someone else.
A family member or someone else may wake you up for a different reason. God is indirectly using this other person to get you out of bed to pray and read the Bible.
Waking up worried.
If you wake up with thoughts of worry, then know that our Heavenly Father wants you to get out of bed and pray about that situation.
Seven signs that God woke you up.