Shocking: what your face looks like in the spiritual world

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Shocking: what your face looks like in the spiritual world.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, I wish God could one day open your eyes to see the spiritual realm. You would be shocked to see people very differently from what they look in the physical world.

In this article I show you what people’s faces really look like in the spiritual realm.

Shining faces.

If a person has the true  light of God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit within his heart, then his face is seen as shining in the spiritual realm.

It doesn’t matter whether such person is beautiful or ugly in the physical world. The face of this person is seen as a bright star within the spiritual realm.


The face of such a person is seen as a shining star within the spiritual realm.

Gloomy and lifeless faces.

Without the light of God our Father and, Jesus Christ, in someone’s heart, that person’s face will be seen as gloomy and lifeless in the spiritual world.

It does not matter whether that person is very beautiful in the physical world. The devil will take advantage and tarnish the spiritual image of any such person..

Very ugly faces.

If in the physical world your heart is filled with anger, unforgiveness, hatred, malice, jealousy, envy, sexual immorality, or other types of sins; then your face will look very ugly in the spiritual world.

You can be very beautiful in our physical world. But if your heart bears those vices I have mentioned, then your face will always remain ugly in the spiritual realm.

If you were once a faithful Christian and you turned away from the ways of the Lord, your face would not only look very ugly, it will also stink in the spiritual world.

Therefore, repent and return to the ways of God our Father.

Blind faces.

You may find it hard to believe this, but it is the truth. If in the physical world you don’t have the light of God our Father then your face appears blind within the spiritual world.

This blindness disappears as you seek God our Father with all your heart.





Shocking: what your face looks like in the spiritual world.



What the Lord told me about “Lead us not into temptation”



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