Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it is actually true. I was about to get my salary from my bank account, and I decided to make a list of how I would spend it.
I had many commitments, and some debts to clear. Usually my first item on spending lists is the tithe. This time I thought that I had so many things to handle, so the tithe could wait.
As I was debating whether to tithe or not, I heard a voice telling me as follows:
Your salary will not solve all your problems. But if you choose to tithe, I will solve your problems.
Because of this voice, I changed my spending list and I made the tithe number one on my list.
I honored God’s Tithe.
As soon as I got my salary cash out of the bank, I deducted God’s tithe and put it in an envelope.
The first miracle.
After deducting the tithe, I could not pay one of my debts in full. I paid the company only half the amount I owed them. What amazed me was that the receipt this company gave me indicated that the balance was so little compared to my expectations.
What had happened to all the money I owed this company? Only God knows. Something supernatural must have happened.
The second miracle.
The second miracle happened in less than twenty four hours after I had presented my tithe to God’s altar. I went back home and found that God had touched on the heart of one of my relatives and she had bought my family so many grocery and household items.
It would take my family one month to use all these items. This second miracle meant that I would spend very little on my domestic expenditure.
From this experience, I have realized that as soon as you decide, within your mind, to tithe, our Heavenly Father will start performing miracles in your life. Below I mention other things that will happen when you decide to tithe.
God will command his angels to take charge of your life.
God will fight your battles. He will fight those who are fighting you.
God will help you clear your debts.
Our Heavenly Father will open more doors for financial income.
Our Heavenly Father will remove all the traps Satan has set before you.
God will bless your family members as well.
Our Heavenly Father will give you supernatural ideas of wealth creation in your life.