Dear reader, are you afraid of death? If your answer is Yes, then you are not ready for Heaven. If your answer is No, then I can say you are ready anytime for Heaven.
Heaven is better.
I used to fear death a lot until the Lord asked me what was better:
Life on Earth or life in Heaven?
My answer was life in Heaven, and I understood what He meant. Since then I stopped fearing death because I know if I die I would go to Heaven. My only prayer to God always is that when my time comes to leave this world, I am taken to Heaven”.
When you loose life you get it.
Another lesson I learnt from my deliverance of fear of death is that when you decide to totally surrender your life to God, be assured that you will gain life in a different way. God says:
Anyone who loves their life will lose it,
while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
The Bible Verse God used to deliver me.
As I struggled with the fear of death, God gave me the Bible verse below. It greatly lifted up my faith. Since then I have never been afraid of death again.
On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations.
All who try to move it will injure themselves.
Zechariah 12:3
Dear reader, this is what God says: stop fearing death. God has made you an immovable rock. Anyone who tries to harm you will instead injure himself.
Stop fearing death!