Satan’s riches are temporary but Jesus’s blessings are eternal.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, many people are rushing to obtain riches from the devil’s kingdom. They do not know that Satan’s riches are temporary but Jesus’ blessings are eternal. The devil will never give anyone lasting … Continued

Three Bibles verses that will restore all your stolen blessings.

        Makko Musagara         Dear reader, do not sit still if the devil has used wicked people to steal your heavenly blessings. These three Bible verses will restore all your stolen blessings. This actually … Continued

6 persons a Christian should never consult

    By Makko Musagara   Dear reader, some Christians consult certain types of people to know the hidden secrets surrounding their lives. In this article, I show you 6 persons a Christian should never consult. It is better to … Continued

God has much trust in you.

  God has much trust in you.   By   Makko Musagara   God has much trust in you. Dear reader, there is one secret about God that I want you to know. Our Father in Heaven has a lot of … Continued