6 Dangers if a Christian takes an alcoholic drink.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, every Christian is a minister of God. And no minister of God should take any alcoholic drink. This article shows you the six dangers if a Christian drinks an alcoholic … Continued

God had planned that D.R. Congo would become the light of all Africa

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article is not about politics as you might think. Rather, these are deep spiritual matters regarding the invisible world. You are about to see that God had planned that … Continued

Sexual Lust can Steal all Your Heavenly Blessings

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, no other sin on earth has robbed Christians of their earthly and heavenly treasures like uncontrolled sexual desire. The truth is that sexual lust can rob you of all your … Continued

God will use you to change millions.

        Makko Musagara         Dear reader, there is an attribute of our Heavenly Father that He wants you to know. He always uses a single person to accomplish gigantic tasks. It is for this … Continued

Why just 1 hour in church is better than 1000 years elsewhere.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article shares with you the supernatural events that actually happened to me at today’s Sunday church service. These visions convinced me that only 1 hour in church is better than … Continued