Dear reader, our Father in Heaven has committed himself to be with you, and to always give you victory over your enemies (see Deuteronomy 20:4). However, God’s commitment may cease to exist if you fall into sin.
When you sin, you open a door for Satan to enter your life and grab your victory. The Devil will hand over this victory to your enemies. In this article I give you ten sins that give victory to your enemies.
Sexual sins.
If you are a Christian, and you get involved into any sexual sin, then the Devil may rob your victory and hand it over to your enemies. This is how Satan robbed Samson’s victory and handed it over to the Philistines. Finally, they killed him.
If you are a Christian, and you entertain anger, the Devil may enter your life and steal your victory. Satan may hand over victory to your enemies.
Forgetting God.
Many times the children of Israel forgot God, and the Devil stole their victories. Satan handed over their victories to their enemies. As a Christian, you must remember God in everything you do.
Rebellion against God.
Rebelling against God will rob your victory. Satan will hand over that victory to your enemies.
Envy and Jealousy.
You may not believe this, but it is true. When you envy your enemy, God himself can hand over your victory to that enemy. Jesus Christ told us to love our enemies and pray for them. It is better to love your enemies and pray for them instead of loosing your victory.
Stealing may cost you victory. The Devil may hand your victory to your enemies. This is exactly what happened in Joshua 7:1-26.
Refusing to answer God’s call to serve.
If God has called you to serve him, and you did not pay attention, then Satan can rob your victory. The Devil will hand over that victory to your enemies.
Fear belongs to the Devil. If a Christian starts fearing, the Devil may rob his victory and hand it over to his enemies.
A life without prayer.
A Christian has to depend on God always. A life without prayer may cost you your victory.
Refusing to tithe.
When you refuse to tithe, God may not join you in your battles. Your enemies may steal your victory.