The fear of starting.

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Alt=The fear of starting.
The fear of starting.





Makko Musagara




The fear of starting.

Dear reader, God wants to use many individuals do great things in his Kingdom, but he cannot because these persons are gripped with fear. The fear of starting anything great. As a result  God has withheld his blessings to them. He can only release these blessings if they start.


God is calling many individuals to come out of their lifestyles and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. He wants to bless them as soon as they do so. But these persons are afraid. I found myself in the same situation. During my second undergraduate year a European Gospel Band  visited our University. At the end of their performance they invited those who wanted to receive Jesus to come to the front for prayers. The Lord prompted me to go forward but I was gripped with the fear of stepping out. As a result, I locked out God’s blessings. It took me another two years to obey God and unlock his blessings.


God is calling many singles to enter into holy marriage so that he uses them without their burning desires. But these persons are gripped with the fear of the responsibilities of marriage. They do not know that God is ready to bless them as soon as they obey.


God is calling many Christians into ministry within his Kingdom. These Christians cannot start these ministries because they are gripped with the fear of stepping out and starting. As a result, they have locked out God’s blessings into their lives. They are not aware that God is ready to bless them and sustain these ministries as soon as they obey to start.

Building churches.

God has instructed many Christians to put up church buildings in specific places. These individuals are bound with the fear of starting. As a result they have locked out God’s blessings  to their lives.

Start today.

Dear reader, God led me to write this article for you. He is instructing you to start immediately what he told you to do in his Kingdom. If you obey, you will have no space to store his blessings upon your life.






God has great confidence in you.

God arranges divine connections.

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2 Responses

  1. Teresa

    Makko, you need to come up with an blog about rededicating one’s life back to God, as this is what I am in need of doing these days. Will God still take me back, if I rededicate my life back to Him? Please, let me know.

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