Makko Musagara
Dear reader, you may be surprised by what I am about to tell you. The artists have done their best to produce a general image of our Lord Jesus Christ and some of the images have been accurate. However, no artist has ever produced a picture depicting the face of Satan. This is proof that no human being knows the exact face of Satan.
The reason why Satan has no standard face.
First, our Lord Jesus Christ does not change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). However, unlike Jesus Christ, Satan converts into numerous faces. This is why artists will never attempt to create an image of Satan’s face as they did with Jesus Christ.
How Satan’s face changes in the Bible.
In fact, in the book of Genesis Satan presented himself as a serpent. During the temptation of Jesus in the desert, Satan appeared as a mysterious being. In Matthew 16:23 Satan presents himself as Peter, and in 1 Peter 5:8 Satan presents himself as a roaring lion. Furthermore, in 2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan is presented as a beautiful angel.
Implications of Satan’s change of face.
This characteristic of Satan changing faces all the time should serve as a warning to those who follow him. You can never trust anyone whose face and heart keep changing. Today Satan may smile at you but the next day he can destroy you. Today Satan can give you something good, but tomorrow he can take it away from you. Our Heavenly Father advises all the followers of Satan to flee from him as soon as possible.
Jesus Christ is always the same.
One of the reasons our Lord Jesus Christ has many followers is that, unlike Satan, he never changes. He is always the same and you can always trust him. Listen to what the Bible says:
Jesus Christ is [eternally immutable, always] the same yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
You follow Satan at your own risk.
This goes for all those who follow Satan. You follow and serve the Devil at your own risk because he can destroy you any moment from now. It is better to follow Jesus Christ who gives life and his face does not change.
The reason why Satan keeps changing his face.