Dear reader, God gave you a body and an option to choose who dwells in it. You either choose God or the Devil to dwell in your body. This post is asking: who dwells in you?
God’s original plan.
When God created you, His plan was to use your body as His dwelling place. He wanted to use your body as His temple so that you continually fellowship with Him on a minute-by-minute basis.
He always wanted to share His thoughts with you so that His will is done in your life as he planned it in Heaven.
Choosing the Devil.
Some Christians have chosen the Devil, instead of God, to dwell in them. This is exactly what Judas Iscariot, one of the first Christians, did. He invited Satan to come and dwell in him by opening the door of his heart to him. Listen to what the Word of God says about what followed:
3 Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.
Luke 22:3
Satan has no friend.
When Judas invited Satan, he thought they would be the best friends. He did not know that the Devil has no friends. As a result, Judas ended up committing suicide and going into Hell.
Choose God now.
Starting today I request you to do two things every day. The first is to put your hands on your head and chase demons out of your body by praying as follows:
It is written that my body is the temple of God. My body is not a temple for demons. In Jesus’s name I bind you demons within my body and I cast you into the bottomless pit.
The second action I request you to take is to invite God to dwell within your body by praying as follows:
It is written that my body is the temple of God. Father in Heaven, come and dwell within my body. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.
Believe me, that prayer will make a difference in your life. Demons will flee from your body and you will feel the presence of God. I have been practicing this many times and I can assure you, it works.
Who dwells in you?