This miracle happens only with hard copy Bibles

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, miracles happen when you read the Bible. This miracle happens only with hard copy Bibles. The main advantage of the hard copy Bible. The major advantage of the hard copy … Continued

10 dangers of going to bed angry

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, it is very dangerous to sleep in anger. In this article I show you the 10 dangers of going to bed angry. God’s presence. If a person sleeps in anger, God’s presence … Continued

This item weighs heavily in Heaven for any Christian

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, Heaven has weighing scales for all Christians. Everything a Christian does here on Earth will be weighed in heaven (see Revelation 20:12). Some things Christians do here on Earth will weigh more … Continued

6 curses for God’s ministers who sell prayers

      Makko Musagara     This article is to warn all ministers serving in God’s Kingdom. Hell is waiting for any minister of God demanding money for providing services using their freely God-given gifts. This article shows the … Continued

6 curses for uttering a false prophecy

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if your aim of saying “Thus says the Lord…” is to get people’s attention, or to get money from people, then be prepared for many curses upon your life. In … Continued

Jesus Christ is crying for his Church

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, the news I have is not good at all. Our Lord Jesus Christ is weeping all the time. Jesus is weeping because he is seeing many churches leading their followers … Continued

10 signs you are on the narrow road to Heaven

      Makko Musagara       Consider yourself blessed if you are walking on the narrow road to Heaven. Very few people walk on this road. But how do you know you are walking on the narrow road … Continued

7 ways to increase your holiness

    Makko Musagara     Before I talk about holiness, let me share with you my own experience, and how God came to use me. After receiving Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life, I developed a lot … Continued