13 Bible verses Satan mostly uses to prevent Christians from entering heaven.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, here are the 13 Bible verses Satan mostly uses to prevent Christians from entering heaven. Satan and demons know the Bible more than any Christian. First, you may find some … Continued

The dangers awaiting Christians using beautifying products.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, it is the Lord’s desire that Christians should not perish in hell. This article presents the six dangers facing  Christians using beautifying products.   You will only see these dangers … Continued

A Witch or Sorcerer Can Enter Your Home in These Six Forms.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, Satan uses witches, wizards, occultists and wizards to carry out destructive missions in targeted homes. This article shows you that a witch or wizard can enter your home in these … Continued

The spiritual causes of divorce.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, your husband or wife may not be the problem as you think. This article shows you the spiritual causes of divorce. Not everyone wishes your marriage well. You must first … Continued

You will look at beaches differently after reading this.

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, all ocean, lake, and river beaches are places of intense superhuman activity. You will look at beaches differently after reading this article. First listen to this. I remember one weekend when … Continued

Ten signs of witchcraft attack.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, witchcraft is real and it can have negative impact upon you, your family, and your properties. This article  presents to you ten signs of witchcraft attack. 1. Unexplained sickness. First, … Continued

Three Bibles verses that will restore all your stolen blessings.

        Makko Musagara         Dear reader, do not sit still if the devil has used wicked people to steal your heavenly blessings. These three Bible verses will restore all your stolen blessings. This actually … Continued

The six pastors who have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan

     Makko  Musagara       Dear reader, because of their great desire for fame and glory, some Christians have unknowingly entered the devil’s territory. As a result, these six pastors have unknowingly signed pacts with Satan. 1. Pastors … Continued

Here’s a place where demons can’t set foot

      Makko Musagara May the glory of God cover the entire earth.       Dear reader, there are some places where demons cannot dare go. Here’s a place where demons can’t set foot. The blood of Jesus … Continued

Most demons enter your body through your feet

    Makko Musagara May the glory of God cover the entire earth.       Dear reader, the Lord has asked me to bring this truth to your attention. Most demons enter your body through your feet. It doesn’t … Continued