Use the power in your hands

      Makko Musagara     The supernatural power in your hands. Many Christians move with the power of God, the power of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit in their hands, but they will never … Continued

This substance is most feared by Satan and demons.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there is a substance that is most feared by all demons and Satan. Demons will never come near a place where this substance has been placed. In this article, I … Continued

How Satan’s demonic bees operate.

      Makko Musagara       About 20 years ago our country was at war with rebels in the north of the country. These rebels combined both conventional military weapons and supernatural warfare. I remember at that time … Continued

The nine things Satan fears most.

      Makko Musagara       If you want to overcome the Devil, then you have to know what he fears most. You will use these fears to overcome him. This article shows you the nine things Satan … Continued

Jesus wants to cut your chains right now

      Makko Musagara       Every person has a mission that God has given them. Some people have more than one mission that our Heavenly Father has given them. Jesus Christ is one of those people. Among … Continued

Christians must know that witchcraft is real.

      Makko Musagara       I live in a continent where witchcraft is rampant. In this article, I share with you my real life experience with demonic powers resulting from witchcraft. In summary, I can say that … Continued

Anger robs your blessings

      Makko Musagara       Apart from sexual sins, the sin the Devil uses most to steal the blessings of God’s people is anger. Anger is so bad that Jesus Christ, unlike any other sins, compared it … Continued

Satan’s mirrors of death

      Makko Musagara         Dear reader, Satan has distributed magic mirrors to his agents, especially witches, with the aim of destroying human souls. These are not ordinary mirrors like the ones you find in your … Continued