Ask God to deny Satan permission to tempt you
Makko Musagara How God can deny Satan permission to tempt you Did you know that our Father in Heaven can either give or deny Satan permission to tempt you? A very good example is … Continued
Makko Musagara How God can deny Satan permission to tempt you Did you know that our Father in Heaven can either give or deny Satan permission to tempt you? A very good example is … Continued
Makko Musagara According to the written Word of God, Satan accuses you day and night before God in Heaven with the aim of getting God’s permission to come and tempt you. This article shows you … Continued
Makko Musagara Do this to keep demons away There is a very interesting Bible verse about what Jesus said regarding the behavior of evil spirits (demons). He said: Now when the unclean … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan cannot tempt or put a Christian under trials without God’s permission, for it is written: Are not two little sparrows sold for a [a]copper coin? And yet not one of them … Continued