Dear reader, if God has truly called you into ministry, to serve in any way that will promote the kingdom of Heaven on earth, then clap hands for yourself. By giving you a ministry, God has given you a great treasure. God has put gold into your hands.
Your ministry will bring you a lot of blessings.
When you accept God’s calling upon your life, and you work hard to bring this ministry to the level that God wants it to be, then be sure God will bless you abundantly. Hear what our Father in Heaven is saying to you:
Your gates will be open continually;
They shall not be shut day or night,
So that people may bring to you the wealth of the nations.
Isaiah 60:11
Your ministry will bless your family and grandchildren.
If you accept and develop the ministry God has assigned you, then your family members, as well as your grandchildren, will be blessed through you.
You will build a house in Heaven.
Many rich people in this world can build luxury mansions on earth. But most will never build such mansions in heaven. Using the ministry God has given you, you will be able to build for yourself a very precious and beautiful mansion in heaven.
Unlike on earth, in heaven there are no thieves or months that will damage your house. You will find your house ready for occupation after your life Earth.
Divine protection.
Because of the ministry God has given you, our Father in Heaven will give heavenly angels to protect you. You will spend less money hiring earthly guards.
Do whatever is necessary to build you ministry.
God is calling upon all those he has called into ministry to do everything possible to develop their heavenly assignments. Do not worry, even if developing your ministry means selling everything you have, or borrowing money from a bank. Hear what God is saying:
The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself].
Mathew 13:44
God has given you gold.