How Satan promotes agents who defeat Christians

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How Satan promotes agents who defeat Christians.




Makko Musagara




The Devil is always promoting his agents for the good job done. This post shows you how  Satan promotes his agents who defeat Christians.

Like in the military, every time Satan’s agents make notable achievements, the Devil promotes them. Below  I mention the top 10 achievements for which Satan promotes his agents. These agents include ordinary demons, principalities, rulers and authorities in the heavenlies. They also include satanists, witches, magicians, occultists, enchanters, and sorcerers.

  1. The devil’s agents that kill very many persons through human sacrifices.
  2. Satan’s agents who lead Christians to fall into sin.
  3. Agents who lead God’s ministers into sin.
  4. Wicked agents who destroy churches.
  5. Satan’s agents who break up prayer and intercession groups.
  6. Agents that break up church choirs and worship teams.
  7. Wicked agents who weaken prayer warriors.
  8. Agents who recruit many people in Satan’s kingdom.
  9. The devil’s agents who fight the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  10. Agents who are always obeying, without any delay, Satan’s commands.

Satan’s final reward to his agents.

Satan’s final reward to all his promoted agents is death. He kills them to ensure they have no opportunity to repent and turn to God. The second reason why the Devil kills all his agents is to ensure that all his agents go with him to Hell.

Jesus Christ is the best master.

Jesus Christ is the best master to serve because he gives life in its fullness to all his followers. Listen to what Jesus said in his own words:

I give them eternal life,

and they shall never perish;

            no one will snatch them out of my hand.

  John 10:28



How Satan promotes agents who defeat Christians.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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