Satan attacks Christians with negative thoughts

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Satan attacks Christians with negative thoughts
Satan attacks Christians with negative thoughts.




 Makko Musagara




Dear reader, our Father in Heaven has prepared for you divine steps to climb to great heights. God wants you to excel spiritually, and in all your other ways of living. The only problem is that Satan has found a new trick to fail any progressive Christian. To prevent your progress, the Devil wants you to focus on negative thoughts all the time.

Reminding you of your failures.

The Devil wants you to remember your past failures to prevent your progress. Remembering your past failures can exhaust and wear you out. Always reject Satan’s thoughts that remind you of your past defeats.

 Reminding you of your bad past.

The Devil wants to remind you of your bad past to diminish your ambitions. Always reject Satan’s thoughts that remind you of your bad past. Tell the Devil that you are now a new creation in Jesus Christ as written in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Reminding you your mistakes.

The Devil wants you to think you will make the same old mistakes. Reject Satan’s thoughts reminding you of your past mistakes.

Reminding you those who hurt you.

Satan always wants to remind you of those persons who offended you and hurt your feelings. Such thoughts can bring bitterness back into your heart to prevent your progress. Reject such thoughts as soon as the Devil plants them in your mind.

Reminding you the past sorrows.

The Devil wants you to remember your past sorrows. Satan knows that this will demobilize you. Reject any thoughts reminding you of your past sorrows. Always tell the Devil that Jesus Christ has made you a new person  (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Your past sins.

Sometimes the Devil wants to remind you of the sins you committed before you got new life in Jesus Christ. When such thoughts come into your mind, tell Satan that you are now a new creation. Your past has already been washed away by Jesus Christ.





What the Lord told me about “Lead us not into temptation”

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