Why worship frees more captives than preaching

      Makko Musagara       This article shows why church worship frees more captives than preaching. No wonder all heaven wants most preaching in churches on earth to be replaced by worship. Church worship opens heaven. First, … Continued

I will never return to witchcraft and the occult.

      Dear reader, this article highlights the dangers of witchcraft and occultism. It is better to trust in our Heavenly Father than to descend into a world of bondage and eternal destruction. You are entering Satan’s dark kingdom. … Continued

Satan has placed his trusted agents in many maternity wards.

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, you will not find what you are about to read in any medical publication. This article is spiritual and shows you why Satan has placed his trusted agents in many maternity … Continued

Reading your Bible scares Satan and demons

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, you sow confusion in Satan’s kingdom the moment you open the Bible. The reason for this chaos is that reading your Bible scares Satan and demons.   The Bible is … Continued

This paralyzes Satan and demons.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, there are some things you can do and the devil’s kingdom will not come near you. This article presents seven things that paralyse Satan and demons. Surrender yourself totally to Jesus Christ. … Continued

Satan and demons cannot intercept this type of prayer

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article introduces you to an unusual type of prayer. Unlike verbal communication with God, Satan and demons cannot intercept this type of prayer. Limitations of verbal prayers. First of … Continued

Job lacked these two unusual weapons to stop Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, the story of God’s servant Job would have been different if he had used two unusual weapons that you are about to see in this article. Job lacked these two … Continued

Seven worship songs that drive away Satan and demons.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article presents seven worship songs that drive away Satan and demons. These songs will actually cause Satan and demons to flee. The need for salvation. First, if you want … Continued

Facing death? Call Jesus Christ.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if you are facing death, this article advises you that the first words out of your mouth should be to call on the name of our Lord and savior Jesus … Continued

Here is the solution to any illness without medical explanation

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, many people are falling ill and medical staff cannot find the reason. In relation to this question, this article presents the solution to any illness without medical explanation.   God’s … Continued