Why God speaks in riddles.
Dear reader, I do not know whether you have observed this. If you put aside his Scriptures, to most people on earth, God will never speak to them directly in his true form. He speaks to them through different means without showing his face. As he said, he speaks in riddles (Numbers 12:8). In this post, I give you reasons why God speaks in riddles.
Very good examples.
When God wanted to speak to Pharaoh, he did not do so directly. He spoke to him through scary dreams which were also not straight forward (Genesis 41:7). As a result, Pharaoh failed to understand what God was saying. None of Pharaohs magicians could interpret these dreams as well. It was only the person who was anointed with the Spirit of God who interpreted these dreams.
When God wanted to speak to King Nebuchadnezzar, he never did so directly. Again he spoke to him through complicated dreams (Daniel Chapter 2) which could only be interpreted by a person filled with the Holy Spirit.
The same is still happening today. God will never speak to most people directly in his true form. He speaks to them indirectly through complicated dreams or other forms of communication.
Adam and Eve wasted our opportunity.
God’s original plan was to extend Heaven to earth whereby he could communicate to us directly face to face. This had started working in the Garden of Eden until Adam together with wife Eve messed up Gods arrangement. Since then God has rarely communicated with people directly. He speaks personally to individuals in riddles
Why God speaks in riddles.
Apart from his written Word in the Bible, God speaks in riddle language because he wants all human beings to seek him first. Those who seek him will easily understand his language of communication.
Start seeking God now.
Dear reader, start seeking God with all your heart especially through prayer and reading his written Word in the Bible. If you do so, you will easily understand his language of riddles. Here is what God says:
13“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13.