Become a fiery Christian.

    Makko Musagara     Become a Fiery Christian. Dear reader, have you ever been to a coffee shop and the waiter has mistakenly given you a cup of lukewarm coffee? As soon as you taste it, you feel … Continued

Start to hate sleeping

      Makko Musagara     Start hating sleeping. Dear reader, prepare yourself for this bombshell I am about to drop. Start hating sleep. Yes, start adjusting your lifestyle when it comes to sleep. In this article, I will … Continued

Choose Heaven!

      Makko Musagara       Choose Heaven! Dear reader, as you walk with Christ, you will encounter situations that will lead you straight to Hell. It is better for you to quickly change your mind and choose … Continued

Here is your hidden treasure from God.

        By  Makko Musagara       Your hidden treasure. Dear reader, God has given many Christians heavenly treasures. Unfortunately, they have never used them and instead have decided to bury them in the ground. In this … Continued

Return to God today.

      Makko Musagara       Return to God today. This is to all those who were once believers but have now lost their faith in God. If you decide to return to God today, you will be … Continued

Your Heaven wedding card.

      Makko Musagara       Your Heaven wedding card. Dear reader, count yourself blessed (Revelation 19:9). You may not believe this, but it is happening before your very eyes. God has sent you this special invitation card … Continued

Holiness is required.

      Makko Musagara       Holiness is required. Dear reader, have you ever filled in an online form where some fields are marked with a star? You will never submit this type of form without filling in … Continued

Agree with your eyes.

        Makko Musagara       Agree with your eyes. Dear reader, if you want to see Heaven, then there is one thing you have to do. You must guard your eyes. If you fail to guard … Continued