Anger robs your blessings

      Makko Musagara       Apart from sexual sins, the sin the Devil uses most to steal the blessings of God’s people is anger. Anger is so bad that Jesus Christ, unlike any other sins, compared it … Continued

Satan’s greatest weakness

        Makko Musagara         Dear reader, you cannot overcome your enemy if you do not know his weakness. Samson always defeated his enemies until they got to know his weakness. They used this weak link … Continued

Undeliberate sex with demons

    Makko Musagara     The Devil is always looking for ways of downloading sex demons into the lives of Christians. For believers walking careful lives, Satan will fail in this mission. However, for Christians walking careless lives, he will … Continued

The Dangers of worldly music

      Makko Musagara       Dear  Christian, God gave you a clean mind as a venue where He can always interact with you through divine ideas and dreams. When Satan realized this, he always wants to destroy your … Continued

Punishment for God’s ministers who cheat.

  Punishment for God’s ministers who cheat.   By Makko Musagara   Severe consequences for ministers of God who cheat on their spouses God’s Ministers of His Word are not judged like ordinary Christians. They are supposed to be the light … Continued

12 dangers of malice by a Christian

        Makko Musagara       Dear reader, malice is a dangerous evil spirit. The devil uses the spirit of malice to cause destruction and  to prevent Christians from entering heaven. This article presents the 12 dangers … Continued

How Satan gets God’s permission to tempt Christians.

      Makko Musagara       Satan cannot tempt or put a Christian under trials without God’s permission, for it is written:    Are not two little sparrows sold for a [a]copper coin? And yet not one of them … Continued

7 Bible Verses to help you overcome adultery

.     Makko Musagara       The Devil may be tempting you into adultery. The best thing to do is to turn to the Word of God. It will save you and your marriage. This article presents seven … Continued