Demon prostitutes

      Makko Musagara       The Devil is using prostitutes to destroy the lives of many men and women. No person remains the same after using a prostitute. Some fall from great heights while others are perpetually … Continued

Forgiving is a weapon

    By   Makko Musagara   Dear reader, God has given you a weapon many Christians do not know about. It is the weapon of forgiving. This post shows you why forgiving is such a powerful weapon. Forgiving is an … Continued

Forgive your husband

Forgive your husband   By  Makko Musagara   Dear reader I don’t know what your husband has done to you. What I know is that your husband is not the real cause of the problem. The real cause are the evil forces … Continued

Sin makes you powerless

    By Makko Musagara   Dear reader, as you continue walking with God you will realize something; when you entertain sin you become less and less powerful. You become weak spiritually. Sin drains your power. Sin makes you powerless. Why … Continued

Holiness gives you power

      By  Makko Musagara   Dear reader, as you continue walking with God you will realize something; the more you stay away from sin the more powerful you become. Holiness gives you power. Why holiness empowers you Remember that … Continued

Anger robs your blessings

      Makko Musagara       Apart from sexual sins, the sin the Devil uses most to steal the blessings of God’s people is anger. Anger is so bad that Jesus Christ, unlike any other sins, compared it … Continued

10 dangers of refusing to forgive

      Makko Musagara       When you do not forgive, something bad happens in the spiritual realm. Below I give 10 dangers of not forgiving.   First, by refusing to forgive, you will be disobeying what our … Continued

7 Bible Verses to help you overcome adultery

.     Makko Musagara       The Devil may be tempting you into adultery. The best thing to do is to turn to the Word of God. It will save you and your marriage. This article presents seven … Continued