Dear reader, Satan is always fighting Christians to prevent them from entering Heaven. The Devil uses demons to attack Christians in order to distract them from their walk with Jesus Christ. As a result of such attacks, many Christians do things that they later regret. In this article I give you ten signs showing a Christian acted under demonic influence.
Regretting a relationship.
If a Christian engages into a relationship, and later regrets that relationship took place, then that Christian may have been influenced by demonic powers to enter into that relationship.
I have seen regretful Christians wondering how, in the first place, they were attracted into such relationships. These Christians are not aware that the other person used demonic powers.
Next time pray before engaging into any relationship.
Regretting signing documents.
If a Christian signs a document, and later regrets that he signed that document, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence. Next time consult God before signing any document.
Hot arguments.
If a Christian gets involved into a hot argument with another person, and later regrets for that involvement, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence.
If a Christian is convinced to travel, but later regrets because of that travel, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence. Next time pray before you decide to travel.
Committing a sin.
If a Christian commits a sin, and later regrets a lot, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence.
If a Christian buys something new, and later regrets for making that purchase, then that Christian may have bought under demonic influence. Next time pray for God‘s guidance before buying anything.
Acts of kindness.
If a Christian helps someone, and later regrets for that act of kindness, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence. Next time pray for God‘s guidance before helping anyone.
A Christian cursing the day he was born.
If a Christian curses the day he was born, then that Christian is under demonic influence. Job cursed the day he was born, not knowing that it was Satan who was attacking him (see Job 3:3).
Failing to remember what took place.
When a sober Christian does something, and the next day does not remember what happened, then that Christian may have acted under demonic influence.
Unexplained expenditure.
If a Christian cannot explain how he spent all the money he had, then that Christian may have been under demonic influence.