Worship and praise drive away demons.
Makko Musagara The demon fled my office! I remember one time as I did my routine office work I continually played (in very low volume) on my computer a song called Jesus Name Above All … Continued
Makko Musagara The demon fled my office! I remember one time as I did my routine office work I continually played (in very low volume) on my computer a song called Jesus Name Above All … Continued
Makko Musagara This name represents God the Father. First, the Name of Jesus represents God the Father, creator of the heavens and earth. God the Father controls all powers in the heavens and on … Continued
Makko Musagara When you are under demonic attacks you will live an abnormal life. You will sense something wrong going on, though you may not know what it is. Even those near you may … Continued
. Makko Musagara The Devil may be tempting you into adultery. The best thing to do is to turn to the Word of God. It will save you and your marriage. This article presents seven … Continued
Makko Musagara 21 war Scriptures combined with Angelic powers to destroy enemy forces. Dear reader, do you know why some bombs are so destructive after detonation? It is because they are made of … Continued
Your life started in heaven! By Makko Musagara Your life started in heaven! Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you; but it is the real truth. Your life did not start here … Continued
By Makko Musagara Do you sometimes feel sleepless at night? God wants you to pray If you ever find yourself sleepless at night, I have a strong conviction that God wants you to pray about your situation or to … Continued