10 ways demons can attack you as you sleep
Makko Musagara Dear reader, before I can tell you the 10 ways demons can attack you as you sleep, I would like to tell you something about the sleeping state. Why Satan and demons … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, before I can tell you the 10 ways demons can attack you as you sleep, I would like to tell you something about the sleeping state. Why Satan and demons … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, you should never masturbate if you are a Christian who is aspiring to enter Heaven. In this article I give you 13 reasons why masturbation by a Christian is so … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, how can I compare the prayer you make to our Father in Heaven? I can only compare your prayer to a rocket being sent into space to the Moon. This … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, some Christians sign agreements with Satan without them realizing it. These Christians are recruited into Satan’s kingdom without their knowledge. In this article I show you major ways through which some Christians … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, many Christians take the Lord’s Prayer so lightly. They do not know that there is great power in the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s prayer has so much power that enables … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, many Christians may be shocked by what I am about to mention. The most powerful prayer on Earth today is not a prayer that takes six hours.So, what is the … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, when you receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, God’s presence must be with you all the time. Unfortunately, God’s presence disappears from some believers because of many negative … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it is true. There are some spiritual things you can do and they postpone your death. In this … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, many people are seriously sick in hospitals not because of any other reason. They are suffering because they refused to forgive. If they decided to forgive, all sickness, even if … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, it is written in the Bible that our bodies are supposed to be the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19-20). Unfortunately, many Christians get so much preoccupied with … Continued