Satan may rob all your blessings, if you do this

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, many Christians are confused. They keep on wondering how their blessings keep on vanishing. Some loose their investments. Others loose their marriages. While others loose their very good health. In … Continued

God’s healing comes when you start saying these words

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, what I am about to tell you actually happened to me. I was bedridden and running out of breath. Life was slowly getting out of my weak body. My attendant was continuously … Continued

The most powerful verse in the Bible

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, in a few minutes I am going to show you the most powerful verse in the Bible. This Scripture is so powerful that its supernatural force can be felt on the whole … Continued

God loves you so much.

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, many people may not know what I am about to tell you. God loves you so much. In fact, God is very jealous when he sees you being taken away by the … Continued

God granted my wish! I saw where the Holy Spirit lives.

        Makko Musagara       Dear reader, you may not believe this, but it actually happened. God granted my wish! I saw where the Holy Spirit lives. I am not as holy as you may think. … Continued

Top ten things that annoy Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article shares with you the ten things that annoy Satan the most. 10. Every true Church of God. First, Satan is very annoyed with the true churches of God. … Continued

Sleeping Christian soldiers.

    By   Makko Musagara   Sleeping Christian soldiers. Dear reader, when anyone becomes a follower of Jesus Christ, that person automatically becomes a soldier. Not like the soldiers of this world, but soldiers in God‘s Kingdom. Even the weapons … Continued

10 ways of seeking God

      Makko Musagara       Seeking God is when you try your best to establish a relationship with Him. Below I give 10 ways of seeking God. Reading God’s written Word. When you read the Bible you … Continued