7 benefits of intercession
Makko Musagara Before introducing the seven benefits of intercession, I would like to share with you this true story in which a security guard at my workplace was murdered. This man was killed because … Continued
Makko Musagara Before introducing the seven benefits of intercession, I would like to share with you this true story in which a security guard at my workplace was murdered. This man was killed because … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear Christian, as soon as you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, you entered into a spiritual war with the Devil and demons. The written word of God in the Bible … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, many Christians are confused because they don’t know what to do next. This article presents ten things a wise Christian does. A wise person puts all his trust in God. First, … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear Christian, God gave you a clean mind as a venue where He can always interact with you through divine ideas and dreams. When Satan realized this, he always wants to destroy your … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan and demons usually find it very difficult to attack and enter the lives of true Christians because they are well protected by God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, God’s angels and … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan operates mainly in the spiritual realm. He does not identify Christians by their names, the Bibles they hold, or by their dress. Identification of Christians by the Devil is done spiritually. Below … Continued
Makko Musagara When you do not forgive, something bad happens in the spiritual realm. Below I give 10 dangers of not forgiving. First, by refusing to forgive, you will be disobeying what our … Continued
Makko Musagara Our Father in Heaven has given you spiritual power through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Satan and demons are always devising ways to extinguish that divine power within you. One of … Continued
Makko Musagara True Christians pose the greatest danger to Satan and demons. In fact, Satan’s kingdom is threatened when Christians pray, fast, praise, and worship their God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. True Christians are … Continued
Makko Musagara Some Christian women take lightly Jesus’s warning not to look lustfully at the opposite sex, except their spouses. Looking at a man with a sexual desire has serious consequences in the spiritual … Continued