How Satan fights intercessors.

      Makko Musagara       The devil hates intercessors because they stand in the gap for God’s ministers and therefore disrupt demonic missions. This is why Satan fights intercessors. In this article, I will show you some … Continued

Sin makes you powerless

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, as you continue walking with God you will realize something. When you entertain sin, you become less and less spiritually powerful. Sin drains your power. In fact, sin makes you powerless. … Continued

Holiness gives you power

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, as you continue walking with God you will realize something; the more you stay away from sin the more powerful you become spiritually. Holiness gives you power. Why holiness empowers you. … Continued

Satan starts and accelerates wars

      Makko Musagara       Wars in different parts of the world may seem physical, but the truth is that a large part of most wars is spiritual. Satan is the one who starts these wars so … Continued

How Satan hijacks a person’s mind

      Makko Musagara       To begin, of all the parts of the human body, the part that the devil attacks the most is the mind. If the devil can control your mind, then he knows he … Continued

How Jesus Christ fights Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there is a battle going on that you do not see. It is the battle between Satan and Jesus Christ. In this article, I will tell you who is always … Continued

How Satan, witches and occultists convert into animals

      Makko Musagara       To begin, robotic insects are a revolutionary technology that has opened up possibilities that were fiction a generation ago. These robotic insects can effortlessly infiltrate inhabited buildings. Also, while being controlled from … Continued

This substance is most feared by Satan and demons.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there is a substance that is most feared by all demons and Satan. Demons will never come near a place where this substance has been placed. In this article, I … Continued

Avoid abrupt death

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, my prayer for you is always that you will not die a sudden death that will prevent you from uttering a single word. In this article, I give you the reasons … Continued