Why just 1 hour in church is better than 1000 years elsewhere.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article shares with you the supernatural events that actually happened to me at today’s Sunday church service. These visions convinced me that only 1 hour in church is better than … Continued

10 Countries where a great revival for Jesus Christ is taking place.

      Makko Musagara       Even though the devil fights hard to plunge our entire planet into sin and darkness, some countries are fighting back. More and more people in these countries are now seeking the presence … Continued

Every challenge in your life is an exam supervised by God.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, you may be going through a very difficult time right now. This article shows you that every challenge in your life is an examination supervised by God. Abraham took a … Continued

The spiritual meaning of being sleepless in bed.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there are many reasons why you may lie awake in bed instead of sleeping. This article introduces you to the spiritual meaning of being sleepless in bed. You are under … Continued

The tears of an offended wife will bring many curses to the husband.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if you are a married man, this article advises you to avoid by all means to offend your wife to the point of seeing her in tears. The reason is … Continued