How to bring heaven to your location

        Makko Musagara       Dear reader, have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel nothing when you pray? The reason may be that you have not thanked, praised, or worshiped God before you began your … Continued

How Satan fights church choirs

      Makko Musagara     The devil hates choirs and worship teams because they disrupt demonic missions against Christians. That is why Satan fights choirs and worship teams. This article shows you some of the ways Satan does … Continued

7 Reasons to always shout Hallelujah

     Makko Musagara     Dear reader, when we shout Hallelujah, something happens both in God‘s Kingdom on earth, and in the Heavenly Kingdom above. Here are seven reasons why we should always shout Hallelujah at the top of … Continued

Worship and praise drive away demons.

        Makko Musagara     The demon fled my office! I remember one time as I did my routine office work I continually played (in very low volume) on my computer a song called Jesus Name Above All … Continued