Speak in the name of God

        Makko Musagara       Speak in the name of God. Dear reader, I don’t know whether you have ever observed this. As the Egyptian army closed in on the Israelite’s at the Red Sea, the … Continued

God is a very jealous person.

  By  Makko Musagara   Dear reader, many Christians may not know what I am about to tell you. God is a very jealous person. God loves you so much. I do not know how to compare the love God … Continued

Never speak these words

  By  Makko Musagara     Never speak these words. Dear reader, many people are cursing themselves without their knowledge. They do this by carelessly speaking words that bring them a lot of trouble in the spirit world. It is … Continued

Stop looking at people and look at God.

    Makko Musagara     Stop looking at people and look at God. Dear reader, you are on a journey that will finally lead you to Heaven. If you want to be successful in this journey, I am pleading … Continued

The results of standing firm in faith.

    Makko Musagara     Results of standing firm in faith Many times the Devil intimidates us to cause fear in our lives. The best solution for such intimidation is to stand firm in your faith in God. The … Continued

God has not forsaken you!

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, you may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it has actually happened to me.  I was switching on my home computer and other set-ups to update my … Continued

Agreeing with God will make you very powerful

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if you want to live a victorious Christian life, then start to agree with God on the promises He has given you through His Word. This post shows you how … Continued

Dangerous faith pleases God most.

      Makko Musagara       To begin, there are times when you have to stretch your faith beyond ordinary limits. Due to lack of an appropriate phrase, I have called this dangerous faith because it puts you in … Continued

8 Dangers of trusting man, rather than God

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, it is dangerous for anyone to put all their trust in man and not in God. This article shows you the 8 dangers of trusting man instead of God.   What … Continued