How sex demons defile Christians in dreams

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, Satan is always looking for ways to defile the holiness of Christians. For Christians who live a prudent life, the devil will fail in this mission. However, for Christians who … Continued

7 benefits of intercession

      Makko Musagara       Before introducing the seven benefits of intercession, I would like to share with you this true story in which a security guard at my workplace was murdered. This man was killed because … Continued

7 reasons to pray before you eat

      Makko Musagara     Our Father in Heaven has given you spiritual power through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Satan and demons are always devising ways to extinguish that divine power within you. One of … Continued

7 benefits of praying before leaving your home

      Makko Musagara       If you are a Christian, you must always be aware that the devil and demons are constantly inventing ways to render you powerless. Satan and demons want to disconnect you from God … Continued

Here is the best time to pray

      Makko Musagara     What is the best time to pray?  Well, from my own experiences I have found that all time is good for prayer. Why? Because our Father in Heaven neither sleeps nor slumbers. He … Continued