Think first of hell, whenever Satan wants to tempt you.

      Makko Musagara       This is for all faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Think first of hell, whenever Satan wants to tempt you. Your stay on earth is temporary. First, we must compare ourselves … Continued

Here is a sign of Satan’s presence

      Makko  Musagara       Dear reader, some Christians may leave this world without ever seeing Satan with their physical eyes. Yet he wreaked havoc on their lives. Is there any way for a Christian to know … Continued

Top ten things that annoy Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, this article shares with you the ten things that annoy Satan the most. 10. Every true Church of God. First, Satan is very annoyed with the true churches of God. … Continued

When Satan seems to have the upper hand over God

      Makko Musagara       When Satan Seems to Have the Upper Hand Over God. Dear reader, you may not believe it, but it is true. There are times when Satan seems to have the upper hand … Continued

Unexplained illness comes from Satan and demons

       Makko Musagara       Dear reader, have you heard someone say that they visited several doctors and could not find the cause of their illness? This article shows you that unexplained illnesses come from Satan and … Continued

Always Keep Sundays Holy

    Makko Musagara     Keep Sundays Holy. This is a reminder to all those who still love God. To continue observing Sunday as a holy day. In this article I am mainly focusing on formal work and businesses … Continued

How to handcuff demons.

      Makko Musagara       How to handcuff demons. Dear reader, there are many things in the physical that have equivalents in the spiritual world. One of these is handcuffing suspects. In the spiritual you can actually … Continued

How to cast out demons.

        By Makko Musagara     Jesus has given every Christian the power to cast out demons. Unfortunately, many Christians are not using that power for one reason or another. In this article I show you how … Continued