How Jesus Christ fights Satan

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there is a battle going on that you do not see. It is the battle between Satan and Jesus Christ. In this article, I will tell you who is always … Continued

How Satan, witches and occultists convert into animals

      Makko Musagara       To begin, robotic insects are a revolutionary technology that has opened up possibilities that were fiction a generation ago. These robotic insects can effortlessly infiltrate inhabited buildings. Also, while being controlled from … Continued

This substance is most feared by Satan and demons.

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, there is a substance that is most feared by all demons and Satan. Demons will never come near a place where this substance has been placed. In this article, I … Continued

Do this to stop Satan from accusing you before God

    Makko Musagara       Dear reader, Satan accuses believers day and night before our Father God (Revelation 12:10). His goal is to get God’s permission to come and tempt believers here on earth (Job 1:12). Therefore, here … Continued

Why you need to protect you grave site

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, what happened when the Witch of Endor called Prophet Samuel’s spirit from his grave (1 Samuel 28:3-24) is just a tip of the iceberg of what witches can do to the … Continued

Satan’s top secret that Christians know nothing about.

      Makko Musagara       The Devil has a secret he does not want you to know. This secret concerns the way he conducts his operations to put Christians under temptations and trials. In this post, Satan’s … Continued