Your midnight prayer bomb

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, you may not believe it but it is true. God has given you a very powerful spiritual bomb against demonic forces. This bomb is very different from other spiritual warfare … Continued

Your white robe

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, when you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, God gave you a very clean white robe, though you may not see it with your physical eyes. This robe is given … Continued

Be patient with others.

      Makko Musagara   Dear reader, in addition to my divine call to write, I work as a Senior Administrator with a large medical research organization. The incident I am going to share with you took place at … Continued

Demon prostitutes

      Makko Musagara       The Devil is using prostitutes to destroy the lives of many men and women. No person remains the same after using a prostitute. Some fall from great heights while others are perpetually … Continued

Why slap another cheek?

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, some Christians are confused by Jesus’s teaching of turning to your enemy the other cheek for another slap. “How can I allow my enemy to triumph over me?” – they … Continued

Kneeling and bowing before God are the best.

      Makko Musagara       Dear child of God, of all the prayer positions, kneeling and bowing are the best for the four reasons I am going to give you. These are the most humble positions. First, … Continued

Repent or perish

      Makko Musagara       Dear reader, if you know you have a hidden unconfessed sin in your life, you better stop doing everything you are doing, go on your knees and ask for God’s forgiveness right … Continued