The demonic pipe smokers of Africa

        Makko Musagara       Overcoming the demonic powers invoked by the pipe smokers of Africa As a matter of fact, in East Africa, evil individuals, under the guidance of witches, can invoke demonic activity by … Continued

Do this to keep demons away

        Makko Musagara       Do this to keep demons away There is a very interesting Bible verse about what Jesus said regarding the behavior of  evil spirits (demons). He said:   Now when the unclean … Continued

8 dangers of a non-Christian spouse

      Makko Musagara       If I were to advise single Christian men and women who intend to marry soon, I would advise them to get married only to Christian persons.  This is exactly what Samson’s parents … Continued

Persons the Devil will use to fight your divine calling

      Makko Musagara       God calls many people to serve Him and those who hear His voice will obey. However, the Devil will fight to ensure you do not answer that call because you will be … Continued

Declare God’s Kingdom everywhere you go

      Makko Musagara       Through the Lord’s prayer, all Christians daily pray that God’s Kingdom come. You can personally take this proclamation further by declaring God’s Kingdom at every place you step your feet. Below I … Continued

10 things maids can do to take your man

    Makko Musagara     I usually hear about the problems of married women, and one of them is their problems with housemaids. It’s from my many conversations with married women that I present to you 10 things maids … Continued

12 dangers of malice by a Christian

        Makko Musagara       Dear reader, malice is a dangerous evil spirit. The devil uses the spirit of malice to cause destruction and  to prevent Christians from entering heaven. This article presents the 12 dangers … Continued

7 Reasons to always shout Hallelujah

     Makko Musagara     Dear reader, when we shout Hallelujah, something happens both in God‘s Kingdom on earth, and in the Heavenly Kingdom above. Here are seven reasons why we should always shout Hallelujah at the top of … Continued

13 dangers of jealousy and envy.

        Makko Musagara       Jealousy and envy are very dangerous evil spirits. If you allow these spirits to enter your heart, they can have the following seven side effects on your life. 1. Jealousy and … Continued