How to handcuff demons.
Makko Musagara How to handcuff demons. Dear reader, there are many things in the physical that have equivalents in the spiritual world. One of these is handcuffing suspects. In the spiritual you can actually … Continued
Makko Musagara How to handcuff demons. Dear reader, there are many things in the physical that have equivalents in the spiritual world. One of these is handcuffing suspects. In the spiritual you can actually … Continued
By Makko Musagara Jesus has given every Christian the power to cast out demons. Unfortunately, many Christians are not using that power for one reason or another. In this article I show you how … Continued
By Makko Musagara Your hidden treasure. Dear reader, God has given many Christians heavenly treasures. Unfortunately, they have never used them and instead have decided to bury them in the ground. In this … Continued
Makko Musagara A secret about prayer. Dear reader, I would like to share with you one secret about God’s Kingdom. God may never answer your prayers until you ask him what you want him to … Continued
Makko Musagara Holiness is required. Dear reader, have you ever filled in an online form where some fields are marked with a star? You will never submit this type of form without filling in … Continued
Makko Musagara Medicine against Satan. Dear reader, you may find some difficulty believing this, but I have verified and it is the real truth. God has given all Christians a medicine against Satan. I … Continued
Makko Musagara Four secrets about God. Dear reader, I would like to share with you four secrets about God that very few Christians know about. Secret number one. Day and night Satan goes before God’s … Continued
Makko Musagara How to calm storms in your life Dear reader, there are two secrets I want to share with you about any storm that may come into your life. When you get to know these … Continued
By Makko Musagara Power in Agreement Dear reader, I don’t know whether you watch T.V. channels of the wild. If you do, you may have observed that a lone lion can only kill small … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, while you sleep at night, Satan and the demons do not sleep. The Devil is busy instructing his main demons to do things that will lead people to Hell. One … Continued