How to protect your life from curses.
Makko Musagara Dear reader, while you sleep at night, Satan can use a wicked person to curse your life. This is what happened to me one night. But God is so good because … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, while you sleep at night, Satan can use a wicked person to curse your life. This is what happened to me one night. But God is so good because … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, after failing to tempt Jesus Christ, the Bible says Satan left Jesus until another opportunity presented itself (Luke 4:13). This opportunity never presented itself to Satan because Jesus Christ … Continued
Makko Musagara God has great confidence in you. Dear reader, there is one secret about God that I want you to know. Our Father in Heaven has a lot of trust in you. … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, are you aspiring to hear God speaking to you directly? Then the first thing you have to take out of your lifestyle is taking anything alcoholic. Alcoholic drinks will … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, you may find it haed to believe what I am about to tell you; but this incident actually happened to me. One time I was under severe spiritual attack … Continued
Makko Musagara Satan’s very heavy presence. Dear reader, when our Father in heaven assigned me the ministry of writing about Satan, he told me never to fear the devil. He informed me that Satan would … Continued
Makko Musagara Sin opens the door for Satan. This goes to all Christians who have maintained Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. As long as you walk in righteousness and holiness, … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, in this post I would like to give you two prayers that will prevent Satan and demons from entering your house, and your body. Spiritual windows. Before I proceed, I … Continued
Makko Musagara Delivered from Hell. Dear reader, right now you may be facing circumstances similar to those in hell. You are wondering whether anyone can rescue you. In this post I write to … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, the Devil is always getting God’s permission to tempt individual Christians. This article shows how Satan gets God’s permission to tempt a Christian. Here is the proof showing that Satan … Continued