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Makko Musagara Dear reader, in one of my articles I informed you of what I witnessed in the spirit world when I invoked the power to bind and cast out demons. Now I can confirm that … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, in one of my articles I informed you of what I witnessed in the spirit world when I invoked the power to bind and cast out demons. Now I can confirm that … Continued
Makko Musagara Mfundi othandekayo, ungahle ungakukholwa lokhu kepha kuyiqiniso; futhi ixhaswa yiZwi likaNkulunkulu elilotshiwe. USathane uya njalo phambi kukaNkulunkulu ezulwini. Lokhu okuthunyelwe kukhombisa ukuthi kungani USathane imini nobusuku esiya kuNkulunkulu. Amavesi amathathu eBhayibheli … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, in one of my articles I told you about the demon that we cast out of my niece. While leaving, this demon started an invisible motorcycle that was parked in our toilet and … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear child of God, of all the prayer positions, kneeling and bowing are the best for the four reasons I am going to give you. These are the most humble positions. First, … Continued
Makko Musagara Dear reader, if you know you have a hidden unconfessed sin in your life, you better stop doing everything you are doing, go on your knees and ask for God’s forgiveness right … Continued
मक्को मुसागरा द्वारा (By Makko Musagara) प्रिय पाठक, आप इस पर प्रिश्वास नह ीं कर सकते हैं लेप्रकन यह सच है; और यह परमेश्वर के प्रलखित िचन द्वारा समप्रथित है। शैतान लगातार स्वगि … Continued
Kirjoittaja Makko Musagara Hyvä lukija, et ehkä usko tätä, mutta se on totta; ja sitä tukee kirjoitettu Jumalan sana. Saatana menee jatkuvasti taivaan Jumalan edessä. Tämä viesti näyttää sinulle miksi Saatana menee päivä … Continued
Autor Makko Musagara Dragi čitatelju, vi možda ne vjerujete u to, ali istina je; a potkrijepljena je pisanom Riječi Božjom. Sotona neprestano ide pred Boga na Nebu. Ovaj post vam pokazuje zašto sotona dan i … Continued
От Макко Мусагара (By Makko Musagara) Уважаеми читателю, може да не повярвате в това, но е истина; и то е подкрепено от писаното Слово Божие. Сатана непрекъснато върви пред Бога на небето. Този пост ви … Continued
Af Makko Musagara Kære læser, du tror måske ikke dette, men det er sandt; og det støttes af det skrevne Guds Ord. Satan går konstant foran Gud i himlen. Dette indlæg viser dig, hvorfor Satan … Continued