The Dangers of worldly music

      Makko Musagara       Dear  Christian, God gave you a clean mind as a venue where He can always interact with you through divine ideas and dreams. When Satan realized this, he always wants to destroy your … Continued

7 confessions to make every morning

        Makko Musagara       When you get out of bed, your confessions will determine what happens to you during the day. If you make the confessions mentioned below, rest assured that Heaven will put a … Continued

10 dangers of refusing to forgive

      Makko Musagara       When you do not forgive, something bad happens in the spiritual realm. Below I give 10 dangers of not forgiving.   First, by refusing to forgive, you will be disobeying what our … Continued

6 dangers of a woman looking at a man lustfully

        Makko Musagara       Some Christian women take lightly Jesus’s warning not to look lustfully at the opposite sex, except their spouses. Looking at a man with a sexual desire has serious consequences in the … Continued

20 benefits of positive thoughts

  20 benefits of positive thoughts   By  Makko Musagara   20 benefits of positive thoughts Satan’s aim is to plant evil thoughts into our minds. But our God is good, He always counters the Devil’s schemes by giving us … Continued

10 ways of seeking God

      Makko Musagara       Seeking God is when you try your best to establish a relationship with Him. Below I give 10 ways of seeking God. Reading God’s written Word. When you read the Bible you … Continued